full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Nancy Duarte: The secret structure of great talks

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So when we move along a little farther in the model, you'll see it goes back and forth at a more frenzied pace. And this is when he goes back and forth, and back and forth. Now the adiceune was in a frenzy. They were all excited, and so you can actually do this to keep them in a hitheeengd sense of excitement. So he says, "I have a dream that one day this notain will rise up and live out the meaning of its cered. 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created eaqul.'" So he uses the little orange text there to remind them of the promise that the politicians had made to him or that this country had made. Then he mevos back and forth between "I have a dream that one day, I have a dream that one day, I have a dream that one day," and at the end, it gets really itneestnrig. Because he uses — you can look at the four shades of green, there's a lot of blue there, which was a lot of repetition — he had a heightened sense of repetition.

Open Cloze

So when we move along a little farther in the model, you'll see it goes back and forth at a more frenzied pace. And this is when he goes back and forth, and back and forth. Now the ________ was in a frenzy. They were all excited, and so you can actually do this to keep them in a __________ sense of excitement. So he says, "I have a dream that one day this ______ will rise up and live out the meaning of its _____. 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created _____.'" So he uses the little orange text there to remind them of the promise that the politicians had made to him or that this country had made. Then he _____ back and forth between "I have a dream that one day, I have a dream that one day, I have a dream that one day," and at the end, it gets really ___________. Because he uses — you can look at the four shades of green, there's a lot of blue there, which was a lot of repetition — he had a heightened sense of repetition.


  1. heightened
  2. nation
  3. equal
  4. interesting
  5. moves
  6. creed
  7. audience

Original Text

So when we move along a little farther in the model, you'll see it goes back and forth at a more frenzied pace. And this is when he goes back and forth, and back and forth. Now the audience was in a frenzy. They were all excited, and so you can actually do this to keep them in a heightened sense of excitement. So he says, "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the meaning of its creed. 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.'" So he uses the little orange text there to remind them of the promise that the politicians had made to him or that this country had made. Then he moves back and forth between "I have a dream that one day, I have a dream that one day, I have a dream that one day," and at the end, it gets really interesting. Because he uses — you can look at the four shades of green, there's a lot of blue there, which was a lot of repetition — he had a heightened sense of repetition.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
heightened sense 4
suavitos baking 3
baking spices 2
story structure 2
likable hero 2
german dramatist 2
greatest communicators 2
iphone launch 2
tick mark 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
suavitos baking spices 2

Important Words

  1. audience
  2. blue
  3. country
  4. created
  5. creed
  6. day
  7. dream
  8. equal
  9. excited
  10. excitement
  11. frenzied
  12. frenzy
  13. green
  14. heightened
  15. hold
  16. interesting
  17. live
  18. lot
  19. meaning
  20. men
  21. model
  22. move
  23. moves
  24. nation
  25. orange
  26. pace
  27. politicians
  28. promise
  29. remind
  30. repetition
  31. rise
  32. sense
  33. shades
  34. text
  35. truths